โœจUpdates & Changelogs

1.3 โ€” Royalties & Verification Update

  • Project verification is now powered by JPG Store.

  • Updated royalties calculation system to account for trades containing multiple policy IDs. Thanks to CNFT Jungle for live market data. More information here.


  • Fixed bug related to mangle addresses and transaction recognition of UTXO ownership (special thanks to Adamant for the find).

1.2 โ€” Partnership Update

  • Launched the partner program.

  • Discord bot integration with CNFT/bot and WenBOT.

  • WalletBUD integration.

1.1 โ€” The Dark Update

  • Introduced Dark Mode!

1.0 โ€” Public Release: Out of Beta!

  • Introduced Tent IDs in place of URLs.

  • Introduced an optional Advanced Trading Mode: the ability to limit the Policy IDs able to be traded in a specific Tent.

  • New warnings and modals before crucial confirmations.

  • Users can now view their trading history.

  • Interface Facelift: Graphical and visual updates to the user interface.

  • Informative website overhaul.

0.1 โ€” Open Beta

  • Bug fixes.

  • Complete interface redesign.

  • UX enhancements.

  • Code optimization.

0.0.1 โ€” Private Beta

  • First live version of Tent for closed testing.

Last updated